The days of illiteracy in our country are almost over. Our parents do not hesitate to spend money on the education of their children. They spend even beyond their means to educate them. Most parents look upon the expenditure as an investment that will fit the child in some better career. But, is it true aim of education ?Does man live by bread alone ? We should think of other benefits that accrue from education. Education is more than to make a living. We have to make them good human beings and good citizens. The education imparted in Gurukulas also produced good citizens and good human beings .We feel proud of our past inheritance and past traditions. Yes, of course, we have to give up what is not of use in the present. We have to keep in step with the age .We are a free nation now and we have to preserve the hard won freedom. We have to banish poverty, hunger and disease from our country .We need honest administrators, dedicated scientists and technologists .All of them are instrumental in ensuring the development, safety and security of our nation .Let us educate the children who think of nation first .They must be loyal citizens of this great country. We“ve to do away with corruption which is rampant in our corruption. We are a rich nation and our richness lies in the system of education that can help achieve all that we need .