“Mind is the combination of sum total of mental processes and it stands for personal internal experiences like pleasure and pain, hopes and wishes, dreams and desires.“Mind as such has no physical entity. It operates through brain. So brain is the physical organ of mind. It consists of brain cells. We also call these cells by the name of neurons. It is estimated that human brain has 1500 crore such cells. Each cell is connected with thousands of other cells. It is just like a huge network. Learning and memory are based on these connections. There are viberations going on in the living cells.These viberations in the brain are much the way the heart beats. The average heart beat is 70-72 times per minute. This goes on till the man breathes his last, say 100 years. The average viberation frequency in the brain is 20-22 C P S(cycle per second)or hertz(Hz). When the frequency of the brain is lower, it is congenial for learning. At higher frequencies the man is under stressful conditions. We are to devise such methods as may lower the brain wave frequency and create favourable atmosphere for learning. Yoga, Pranayam and meditation are some of them. Learning brings changes in the behaviour of man. It means some new connections in the neurons network in the brain. By revising anything a number of times, the grooves are formed and recall becomes easy. We are learning something every moment, which means we are growing or changing every moment though we are not aware of the change. These brain viberations are also called brain -wave-frequencies. These can be measured by EEG(electro encephalograph)When we are in agitated state of mind, the viberation frequency of brain is high. It may be 30 Hz and above. At this level stress harmones are released which are injurious to health. Human brain has two parts----Left brain and Right brain. The two parts are interconnected and work in coordination. They exchange information through brain fibres The right part of the body is controlled by the left brain and the left part by the right brain. The right brain has the skill and imagination to produce something new. It is holistic. It responds to emotions.It can recall people“s faces. The left brain is the logical part. It prefers to learn step by step. It is analytical in approach. It plans ahead. It is the manager and critical thinker. Brain contributes a lot to a person“s level of consciousness. The state of mind is controlled and geared by the brain. Could we use both sides of our brain in our thinking or learning, our ability to retain and recall will improve significantly.