Student centred Approach Active learning is a student centred approach in teaching. It shifts the focus from teacher to taught. A good teaching, if it is unilateral is no substitute for active learning. Its emphasis is more on learning than on teaching.In traditional teaching, by giving ready made answers, we are killing the creativity of young minds. In active learning there is active involvement of students in the process of learning. Students are involved in activities. Active learning takes place when they are simultaneously thinking what they are doing. In the process of learning knowledge is the base and is at the lowest ebb and creativity is the final product of it. It has rightly been said that if necessity is the mother of invention then creativity is the mother of innovation. Students' participation in the process of learning is the core factor in active learning. We need sincere and dedicated teachers who do not take teaching for a ride. It is not a perfunctory exercise but a strategic and planned execution of activities in which students' involvement helps them to learn on their own.The teacher spends time in coaching, conferencing and leading them to the desired direction.The whole exercise is not a rote learning or a memory based learning. It is aimed at developing different skills of the students. Learning has three fields ----Cognitive, affective and conative or psycho motor B S Bloom has given three domains of objectives corresponding to these three fields of learning. The objectives in cognitive domain are related to knowledge recognition and recall and they cater to the development of intellectual abilities or skills.Cognitive field is connected with mental process of understanding. Learning is a purposeful activity and thinking is a mental activity in its cognitive aspect. Thinking starts with a problem and concludes with a solution. Reasoning is the highest form of productive thinking in which previous experiences are organised in new ways to solve a problem. Man is superior to and different from other animals because of the faculties of thinking, reasoning and imagination. In active learning student gets an opportunity to develop these faculties of mind.The role of teacher in active learning is the role of a facilitator..