The population in India is growing at an unsustainable rate .It is expected to reach 1.5 billion in 2030.Rapid growth in population has resulted in unemployment, malnutrition and poor standard of living. If unchecked, it will go on leading to more deforestation, decreased biodiversity and spikes in population. It will excerpate climate change. Manpower, no doubt, is an asset for a country but when it exceeds the means of sustenance available there ,it becomes a burdensome liability. Larger families were encouraged in the primitive times as they provided more hands to procure food and fight the enemy.Most probably, Malthus ,an English economist and demographer ,created consciousness by saying that ,left unchecked, populations can outgrow their resources. It will inevitably result in widespread poverty and degradation. He further added that betterment of humankind is impossible without stricts limits on reproduction. We need to fight this problem at a war footing. More hands ,no doubt, are an asset for a country ,but we have to think of their health, education and employment. We have also to provide health cover to larger number of population. Because of the unchecked growth of population the Govt.has failed to provide employment to the needy hands resulting in brain drain and emigration. India is at present a fast growing economy and we can“t make any progress unless we control the growth of our population. Govt.alone can“t do much without the committed cooperation of the people. Planned parenthood should become a national movement. The age of eligibility of marriage should be firmly enforced.All such measures can ensure national progress and prosperity .