I Express my pleasure on your initiative for introducing Competency Based Education .Introducing something new and fruitful brings dynamism in the normal routine .All progress is the result of human urge to do something new.Had it not been so ,we would have remained in the uncivilized state .We should never stop our search for knowledge and adventure. I personally feel that it is something you create that brings you happiness .Knowledge is a temporary asset, it is the competencies which are final and it is these competencies through which we manipulate that knowledge .Knowledge has to be created ,it can't be delivered. It is like finding out the truth yourself. Your initiative is compatible with the needs and requirements of the New Education Policy 2020.It virtually aims at raising the standard of education. Along with this we should keep in mind the acronym for New Education Policy given by the NCERT Director Hrishikesh Senapati i.e "Nation First ,Character Must " We would be justifying the acronym only when we introduce moral education along with competency based Education. Again wishing you all a very successful adventure. .